The CWDM(Aspherical Lens) TO LD laser diodes are uncooled multi-quantum-well DFB (Distributed Feedback) laser diodes for 2.5Gbps and 10Gbps transmission at 1310/1490/1550nm.
CWDM band wavelengths;
Low threshold and low operating current;
High efficiency and high output power;
Wide operation temperature range;
High reliability;
TO56 standard package.
2.5/10Gbps fiberoptic transmission;
Optical communication transceivers;
Storage area networks;
Fiber optic sensors;
Fiber optic test and measurement.
Electro-Optical Parameters
Parameter Symbol Test Conditions Min. Typ. Max. Unit
Threshold Current:Ith CW - 6 14 mA
Threshold Current:Ith CW,TC=85℃ - - 40 mA
Output Power:PO CW, If=Ith+20mA 3 - - mW
Operating Voltage:Vop CW, If=Ith+20mA - 0.95 1.5 V
Peak Wavelength:λp CW, If=Ith+20mA λc-3 1650 λc+3 nm
Side Mode Suppression Ratio:SMSR CW, If=Ith+20mA 35 40 - dB
Rise time/Fall time:tr/tf CW, If=Ith+20mA, 20%-80% - - 200 ps
Monitor Current (PD):Im CW, If=Ith+20mA, VRD=1V 0.1 0.3 1.0 mA
Dark Current (PD):Id VRD=10V - 0.005 0.1 μA
Focus Length:F 2.0mm ball lens cap 7.2 7.5 7.8 mm